The Big Moment Has Arrived

Sitting in my room doing my best to hear what was going on outside my door. I coudl hear laughter and excitement as other students were meeting their dogs for the first time. To bad I couldn’t understand what they were saying. If I had better hearing I bet I could hear the conversations. I could only imagine what was being said. I wondered what I would say when I would meet my dog. I kept saying her name over and over in my mind to etch it in there real good.

Finally I heard voices just outside my door and a little bit of comotion. then some laghter, then all was quiet. I heard the door open and then I was 3 people come in behind a very energetic yellow lab. Shasta came right on in and headed right for me and started licking me. then it was off to check something else out lol. The trainer handed me the leash and I called Shasta to me. She came and sat down in front of me and did this wiggle scoot up to me. I was elated. She was so pretty and so energetic. I was so focused on her that I lost track of the three folks that came in with her. they chatted and said a few words and then they went back out.

I was alone with this bouncy yellow lab. I didn’t know quite what to do lol. I was beside myself. I said her name and petted her on the head. she wriggled and gave a little whine. she then went to the end of the leash and looked in the direction of the door. she came back to me and tried to jump on me. I told her no gently and guided her back to a sitting positon.

After a bit of time alone with our dogs we were asked to come out and gather in a circle. It was explained that all the dogs knew each other so it would be ok. We sat on the floor next to our dogs for our next lecture. I had a hard time focusing because I was focused on who got what kind of dog. it was better then christmas to be honest. A show and tell of sorts. I was fascinated by the dogs and that we were in the middle of a circle of dogs.

We had a Shasta, Smokey, Sheba, Colnol, Megahn, and Jonzi. Three blac labs and 3 yellow labs. For the next month we’d all get to know each other quite well. even the dogs. It’s funny I have trouble remembering what I had for supper but I can recall each single dog in the first class.

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